Monday, September 29, 2008

The Simple Woman's Daybook 5

For today September 29th 2008
Outside My Window... the leaves are falling
I am thinking... my internet sucks lately; for almost a week it's only letting me open like 2 web sites every 10 minutes (of course it's only during the day when I'm alone & bored)
I am thankful for... my husband
From the kitchen... will come an apple pie later
I am wearing... pajama pants & a tshirt
I am creating... an apple pie & dinner later LOL
I am going... to read some blogs after this
I am reading... Chances
I am hoping... to win lotto
I am hearing... the tv
Around the house... it's pretty quiet
One of my favorite things... is vanilla ice cream
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: the usual plus a doctors appointment
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
(I didn't take this picture but I have been there - the White Mountains in New Hampshire)

To participate in this meme go to


  1. Beautiful picture thought - I'd love to go there. LOL at the lotto answer - don't we all want to win it? Have a great week.

  2. It was a nice trip when we went, beautiful weather too. It only rained the day we went home. I do have some pictures I took myself but they're somewhere on disk.
    I made chicken caccatiore the other night thanks to you. I didn't use your recipe but I had chicken out & saw it on your blog & went hmmm. Hubby was so happy LOL I hardly ever make it cause it's not something I like too much.


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